Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Receiving the Best

This week has been super hot and dry-and as a plant lover-it’s been time-consuming for me to go out each and every night to water my garden. I was reading an article this week about how watering from a hose just isn’t as good for plants as rain water because it doesn’t contain as much nitrogen and hose water contains certain chemicals-yuck! I've even seen it work-my plants thrive on rain water. As a result, when I see it raining, I rush out there with as many pots and pans and try to collect this precious water. 
It got me thinking about God. Isn’t that just like Him? Even the droplets that come from His hand and fall from heaven are better than we humans can ever manufacture. We know this to be true about food as well. Humanly manufactured food is just not as good as God-grown food. He knows and creates the best. 
  Then I got to thinking then about my own life. So many times I think I know best, desperately trying to “manufacture” something out of my own strength. As humans, we settle for second-best or even for things that harm us (like some manufactured food) instead of taking what God offers. In my own life, there are many areas that I settle for "manufactured" goods:

  •  A friend confides to me and I give advice or try to help with my own ideas,
  • I wish to be comfortable, with no pain or hurt when perhaps that's not the best environment for growth...
  • I spend time with how I see fit, without taking into consideration how I should be serving Him.
 If I consistently started receiving what God was offering-how would my life bloom

I put a picture of this clover only has beautiful droplets, but also because it reminds me of our upcoming trip to Ireland. Yay! We leave Friday so I will be taking a break from blogging for one week....I'll bring back pictures though and you can journey along with us. See you next week!

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